veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014, Wolves, Wolf color, Anatomy of wolves
Wolves - representatives of the largest family Canidae. Height 60-90 cm, length from head to tip of tail 150-180 cm, weight 27 (the smallest female) -60 kg (the largest male). Wolves that live in the north area, larger than their southern counterparts. wolf fur consists of thick guard hair soaked fat that repels water and soft undercoat, retaining heat. The heat loss is minimal wolf, his fur snow melts. Getting a vacation, wolf covered his fluffy tail and gets warm breath. Wolves molt in the summer, getting rid of the warm fur on the heat. Fur color can vary from black to pure white, including different shades of gray and brown, cream, red and silver - depending on the color of the top coat. As a rule, there are several in color flowers. Guard hair is painted in stripes of different colors - from white to black, this type of color is called "agouti" (named after the South American rodent). Color is influenced by the chemical "eumelanin", which affects the guard hairs at different points in its growth. During the period of active influence on the hair eumelanin present more bands of different colors, and the wolf gets dark color. Most of the wolves have a dark gray strip along the spine, dark markings on the top of the head and at the base of the ears and on the face - "mask." Dark areas of color are at the base legs, along the back and top of the tail. Light-colored seats are in the wolf's belly and groin area, lower jaw, on the underside of the front paws, on the cheeks, around the eyes and inside the ear, chest, legs and bottom of the tail. In the place where "eumelanin" depressed, wolves formed patches of light brown color.
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
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veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014, Wolves, Wolf color, Anatomy of wolves |
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014, Wolves, Wolf color, Anatomy of wolves |
Wolf color changes over time, because chernookrashennye animals carry a gene that affects the discoloration. In one year, the wolf can be pure black color, the next year he develops white patches on the face, with each subsequent year on his body more white areas. There were occasions when a black wolf eventually became pure white at the age of 8-9 years. Change in color can happen in the offseason. Partial change in color occurs during the moulting period in summer wolf fur turns gray: white wolf becomes light gray, and black - dark gray. Another change of color is confined to the moment of transition to adulthood. Puppies arctic species at birth medium brown or beige, as they grow older they become permanent white color. Timber Wolf is born brown with dark spots, but with age, brown hue replaced gray and white. Another feature of the exterior - the so-called "wolf's fur," three areas which are well distinguishable on the back. They are called "capes". One is located in the neck, the other - in the middle of the back, and the third runs back to the base of the tail - this arrangement fur helps to shake the water that runs down the back of the wolf. length of hair on the body is not the same everywhere wolf. Population living in countries with cold climates, have a long and thick fur on the body. The inhabitants of deserts and tropics are the same length fur all over his body, but the neck is slightly longer hair growing on the back of his neck, "mane". Like other mammals, wolves bristled arbitrarily raising the hair on the back of the head and along the ridge crest of a kind, which makes them kind of scary. "Mane" have have all the wolves - is long and thick hair length 3.5 - 10 cm, such as long hair on the back and tail. The shortest hair - on the face - 0.15625 cm length of hair on the body ranges from 10 cm to 0.15625, see A wolf good streamlined body adapted for running. All the wolves have their victims, catching them at high speed. For this purpose, ideal narrow chest, long slim legs; wolf tread very economical: it is a single line traces. Wolves can reach speeds of 40 miles per hour over short distances and cover a distance of 40-70 miles per day. When traveling wolf touches the ground is not the whole foot, but only with your fingers, so tread lengthens the leg and tells the wolf agility. Nevtyazhnye claws, thick and stupid, because they are constantly touching the ground. Total wolf five toes on their front paws, the fifth - rudimentary, however, and it performs its function and is used to capture prey. Wolf track length 11.25 - 12.5 cm, width - 8.75 - 10 cm Wolves 42 teeth, jaws long, narrow, 4 canines length of 3.8 cm, allow tear prey into pieces. scent glands located at the base tail at 5 cm from the anus, the oil fluid secretion serves to identify an individual. Anal glands are located inside the anal opening and produce a thick brownish liquid when the animal defecates. Therefore ekskrimenty relatives so attractive to wolves. There are some cancer - on the feet, the secret is released when the wolf claws scraping the ground or a tree. The iris eye wolves can be yellow, green or orange-red. Pups are born with blue eyes that change color as they mature wolf. Wolves light color, dark eyes, dark-colored wolves eyes bright. hunt wolves family or a family in which the duties are split between all participants hunting. Wolves used to collect the weak, sick or old prey, acting as nurses ecosystem. This does not mean that the flock can not put strong young deer, but avoid wolves hunt for healthy game full force. Wolves eat the most varied diet, which can get on your site: moose, deer, beavers, bolsherogimi sheep, mountain goats, bulls, rabbits, squirrels, waterfowl, mice, as well as fruits and plants. The plant material is essential to the diet of the wolf, because it adds the necessary nutrients and normalize digestion. Part of plant material gets to the wolves from the stomach of the victims, but the wolves themselves and occasionally eat grass, leaves, berries and fruit. Before you start hunting wolves often arrange merrymaking: play, howl - they are very exciting. This gives them the tone needed for hunting. Hunting begins with stalking prey, wolves what helps a great sense of smell, hearing, and partly - vision. By secretions, feces left near the hoof, wolves get information about the victim, whereby selected easy targets - for example, when an animal is sick or injured. Defining the object of hunting, wolves are divided into small groups and surround the prey. Ring gradually narrows and already approaching, wolves run at speeds up to 35 miles per hour, driving prey. When dealing with a large object, such as elk, wolves first chosen to be victim and watching her, gauging the possibility of successful hunting. Hunters say that in open competition at running wolves lose adult rabbit. Often they take their prey into submission, pursuing her collectively. Pack of wolves can not only drive the deer or deer but also elk. Most often this happens when the snow covered ice crust that keeps the wolf and moose falls under the weight. Surrounding prey, wolves dig into the rump of a victim who resists floating horns and hooves.
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
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veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014, Wolves, Wolf color, Anatomy of wolves |
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014, Wolves, Wolf color, Anatomy of wolves |
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014, Wolves, Wolf color, Anatomy of wolves |
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014, Wolves, Wolf color, Anatomy of wolves |