veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014, Wolves, Wolf color, Anatomy of wolves
Typically, dominant couple expresses love for each other, spending much time together, weaving and sniffing. Courtship is becoming more pronounced during the breeding season, when the female becomes pregnant, the male becomes extremely caring to her and brings her food. The rest of the females in the pack does not enjoy any advantage of their gender, they are around par with males: hunt, play m eat. Pregnant females and females with cubs to a four-age are considered high-ranking, at this time the whole flock takes care of them. Other females in the pack often lactating, vskarmlivaya strangers young and lick them.
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veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014, Wolves, Wolf color, Anatomy of wolves |
When the puppies get older, younger members of the flock to look after them while the adults hunt. dominant pair in the observed equality between partners, they have different responsibilities otnosheniniyu to pack. Male busy Tagged borders its territory, it drives away intruders and controls the males in the pack, do not allow them to participate in reproduction. He gathers a flock of hunting and traditional group starts howling. Often, but not always, he leads the hunt. Alpha female obey all females flock, it does not allow breeding, and she is paired with their regular partners, but sometimes - with another wolf. Its important duty is to choose den error can result in death of the litter. Allowance and the availability of food and the presence of serious predators - wolves will settle if scanty production site, the puppies can not survive. Mating occurs in winter, two months before the onset of spring: Arctic species mate in April, wolves in the temperate zone - in January. In areas with a favorable climate all year round pairing occurs (Mexican subspecies), because there food is available all year round. The breeding season runs only once a year, even if the puppies do not survive, the female does not get pregnant the second time. With the onset of the breeding season aggression in the pack increases, the voltage increases, and the wolves begin to more actively mark the boundaries of their territory. During this time, breeding pair of leaves at the time of the flock, devoting all their time with each other - they are kept side by side, flirting, sleep during this time together too. They take care of the hair and gently another howl to each other. Male sniffs the female genitalia, waiting for the beginning of estrus. Male and female urinate and labeled her scent in the same places. At this time the male often smelling urine females smell sex pheromone Harmon determining whether estrus began. If no estrus, the female ends abruptly claims male. When the female is ready to mate, it is changing. She appears peculiar smell, and she starts to leave spotting. At this stage, the female attracts the male, but refuses to mating. Only when ovulation occurs, the female 5-7 days ready to mate. Male wolf, like all beasts of prey, has a bone in the penis, "bakulum." Bone has annular bulge at the base, and at the time of mating male and female jammed until the end of the process, which can last from 20 minutes to 2 hours. After ejaculation, the pair turned to 180 degrees, their faces look in the opposite direction, to be able to defend themselves when attacked. During mating, the male ejaculation is up to 5 times. The female can not mate within 24 hours after the first mating, and during this time the male sperm fertilizes her egg. Wolves have developed a complex system of communication between them. Specific information shall body posture, smell left them, the position of the ears and tail, and of course, the same songs that wolf sings alone or in the general chorus of the pack. Wolves grumble, howl, growl, utter cries of exclamation, yapping and howling subtly. Generally, wolves rarely bark, but often growl. Noteworthy is the language in which they talk to each other. Already at the approach to the lair of the wolf or wolf makes itself felt. But the dreary howl means that strayed from the wolf pack. In pursuit of a flock of deer or elk is heard "hooting" something resembling a rut pack of hounds. Special howling wolves signal about approaching a herd of deer, picks up this signal and transmits the nearest wolf on. Sometimes wolves chorus gathered in a pack - it warns others that the area is protected. most remarkable is the general howling wolf, gathering in front of a pack of hunting. It can be compared to human custom to say "good morning" and "good night" to their loved ones. In addition to this general greeting collective howl as a powerful deterrent factor for foreign wolves. Say howl also serves to entertain members of the pack. During the performance of the party wolves change the tone and display different notes, simulating polyphony. why it is difficult to calculate how many wolves in the pack. If wolves howl on one note, then it will be like a wolf song. Singing songs in a new way, wolves give the impression of a large choir, rather than have it in stock. Wolves intolerant of outsiders and often sniff the members of his flock for their identifitsatsii. Body wolf several odorous glands - a pair of anal glands located inside the anus, and the third - the outside of the anus, the fourth - five centimeters from the base of the tail, several glands located on the paws and muzzle. sniffing the anal area, wolves determine familiar smell, which serves as a pass in the wolf pack. When dying member of the pack, wolves stung common grief. Usually playful, wolves and refuse to play there all the time are in a depressed state, ears and tails they hang head down, slow gait, continuously published whimpering sounds. Wolves are going for the general howl, which differs from its usual plaintive and very similar to the groans. Hearing wolves magnificent: their large ears can determine another wolf howling at a distance of 12 miles. Their hearing abilities far surpass human. Since wolves are able to hear not only what is in the range of the human ear, but sounds at up to 70,000 hertz, while man scoped sounds to 30,000 hertz. Acute hearing helps wolves communicate with each other when hunting separates members of the pack. Also important for acute hearing, and stalking prey. Wolf is able to hear the squeaking mouse hole. Wolf ears rotated by an angle of 180 degrees, setting the direction of the sound. Olfaction wolf simply astounding. It is used for tracking production and communication in the pack. when it is necessary to recognize the many odorous marks, trapping them in the desired scent. provided with elongated snout wolf billion olfactory receptors. Wolf's nose remains constantly wet because nostrils constantly secrete fluid. It was wet nose helps take the wolf when breathing more air which is important in the pursuit of duty. Sight wolves also developed, although not to the same extent as in wild cats. Like most predatory animals, wolves developed cells at the back of the eye. They reflect the light passing through the pupil and give the same wolf shine that affect animals in the darkness. In the eye there are two types of receptors: one responsible for the brightness of the image, the other - for the color. Wolves and dogs Recognition of colors is underdeveloped, but the basic colors they see. Placed on top of the muzzle eyes help them to establish the exact location of the object. Ungulates, whose eyes are on the sides of the muzzle, do not have this ability, but they see any movement within the 360 degrees around. Wolves also a broad overview of about 270 degrees, the person he is only 100 degrees.
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
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veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014, Wolves, Wolf color, Anatomy of wolves |
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
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veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014, Wolves, Wolf color, Anatomy of wolves |
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
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veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014, Wolves, Wolf color, Anatomy of wolves |
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014, Wolves, Wolf color, Anatomy of wolves |
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
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veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014, Wolves, Wolf color, Anatomy of wolves |
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014, Wolves, Wolf color, Anatomy of wolves |
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014
veterinary online: Wolf, all about wolves 2014, Wolves, Wolf color, Anatomy of wolves |